Monday, October 27, 2008

Be careful to look through the peep hole before you answer your door, it could be Ben dressed up in his Halloween costume!  He is Terry, a character on Reno 911.  Ben went over to show his friend Ryan his costume because Ryan is going to be Officer Dangle, another character from the sitcom.  His neighbors were all outside and Ben had to show off his stuff in the street, I couldnt stop laughing long enough to get a photo.
This is Ben at the Home Depot, he called our neighbors to see where they were and the said shopping right up the street, so we went and waited for them in the parking lot for them to come out and Ben jumped out and was singing and skating through the parking lot, they didnt know it was him until he got up close and wrecked in front of the on accident.  He was okay though, and they loved his costume!


the heiner family said...

That is so the Uncle Ben I know and love! or should I call him "aunt ben"...?

Joe White said...

That is the funnyest thing i have ever seen. This blog should have parental advisory writen all over it. Can I be officer jones please? Or at least garcia cause i've always wanted a mustache...

Joe White said...

I'll even be trudy or the lezbo kimball haha

Emily said...

WOW! We laughed when we first read the post. Then laughed some more when we clicked on each and every picture so that we could see it larger. Then we laughed even more reading Joe's comments. Hilarious! Hot stuff Ben, hot stuff.

The Kirby Family said...

Looks normal to me for Ben. I always knew he was a switch